
Tech News

Network Security

  Network Security   Amy Hailey   Information Technology   Jimmie Flores    University Of Arizona Global   04/07/2022   Page Break   There are several ways that cybercriminals can gain access to your network. Rather it is a relentless employee, poor security, no anti-virus protection, or just careless users. Networks security is made up of the hardware, software, policies, and procedures designed to defend against both internal and external threats to your company’s computer systems. Threats to your system can cause viruses, spyware, malware, hacker attacks, Denial of service, even data theft. They thrive for unsecured wireless networks, unpatched software and hardware, unsecured websites, weak passwords, lost devices, and users with malicious intent. Network security involves a lot more to assure your network stays safe from these types of attacks. Such as keeping patches up to date assure that computers are running the most current versions. Making sure your password is strong an

Data storage

  While I was researching how data is stored on a computer on the internet according to data is stored in a very orderly pattern on each platter. Bits of data are arranged in concentric circular paths called tracks. Each track is broken up into smaller areas called sectors. Part of the hard drive stores a map of sectors that have already been used up and others that are still free. Less the hard drive stores information inside the casing there are series of disk-like objects referred to as "platters". The computer and motherboard use software to tell what is called the "read/write head" were to move on the platter and where it then provides an electrical charge to a "sector" on the platter. Each sector has an isolated part of the disk containing thousands of subdivisions all capable of accepting a magnetic charge.  A backup of your computer can be done either manually by selecting the files you do not want to lose in case som

Tech Timeline

  Computers originated from telephone switches in the early 1900s with the switch position meaning 1 for on and 0 for off. Computers built in 1940s had thousands of switches occupied entire rooms. The early computers were largely used for military purpose for codebreaking and calculating the paths of bombs in World War II. Thanks to the Moores Law those large switches reduced size by by half every two years. In the 1970s an entire computer could fit on one coin-sized device known as a computer chip. A 1940 room sized computer could fit on a chip smaller than a pinhead.  (1752-1834)  Joseph Marie Jacquard  Influenced modern programmable devices IBM digital complier. (1791-1871) Charles Babbage  British mathematician aka "father of the computer" first automatic mechanical computer. (1815-1852) Ada Lovelace  known as the first computer programmer. (1860-1929) Herman Hollerith  Creator of the punch card tabulating machine. Which was electromechanical computer used to summarize da

Blog Experience

 After researching different blogs and tutorials on How to create my I discovered they have the same layout as for “About Me” and added links were located on the sidebar same under tab. The Blogs I reviewed and tutorials I researched over are which included a tutorial on helping set up blog page. showed easy setup for blog step by step tutorials. The templates to create my blog were simple with already made templates editing tools. Giving me the option to change the colors, the background image, even adding sounds. Giving me the option of adding my own image was something I did not expect. wireframing from start to finish is what the site displayed it to be seemed like it would be something that would be simple to understand. I went ahead with the free subscription then it directed me to enter a domain to see if the domain was linked with WordPress which I did not have. So, to continue to create the wireframe design template I could purch

My experience while using Scratch

  My experience using scratch was a bit confusing at first but the more I played around with it the easier it was to navigate my way around. I also watched a few tutorial videos that helped me out also, after I figured out how to do it on my own it was simple and easy to learn. I did have trouble with getting the sprite to do what I had imagined such as constant moving, but the videos also helped me figure that out also. The more I tried different things it all started to come together. I did not realize that it was computer programming I was doing. I thought I was playing around on some site created for kids at first. I gained a few insights while working on my scratch project such as it was simple to program if that is all it consisted of and that even kids were doing it. Compared to the activities from the textbook I thought it was different and easier to comprehend. The number input confused me. Machine language is the language that the computer understands such as 0’s and 1’s.  (h

Mobile App DIscussion

  For my week 2 discussion on mobile/app review I went with Mobile  Patrol,  it is an app that stays updated with recent jail booking  in my local area. My family is local  bondsman  in surrounding  counties,  so the app is useful. When the app first  loads it always  pops -up  rather you  want to sign in or continue as guest. Then it gives you the  option  to enter your zip code  allowing you to select more than one neighborhood . Then your county and surrounding will pop- up on the left tab bar with drop down menu.  The first screen shows  neighborhood  news feed which  has  always been the same about phishing, phone call attacks, and email auto-compete.  In the top right  corner,  it is your account preferences where it allows you to invite others and add  neighborhoods' . Located in that section is where  you can get help with the  app.  Once you click on the county you wish to view i nmates you can select Directory to provide you with address and phone number of that  Sheriff&

Computers in the workplace

    It is important for employees in my type of industry to be computer literate because this is the main device we use when working. I work from home answering calls so knowing the basics on how computers work and how to navagate around on one is important. We use several different software programs back and forth and research on Google. Knowing how to download the software and getting to it every day just to assure we are clocked in and then answering calls. It is a main requirement of the job of having up to date system with the best upload/download speed while connected to the internet. Not only is speed important but so is having the best firewall and anti-virus. I know for myself it took me awhile to realize how important the security on my computer is needed. It is important for the employees in my industry to know the basic knowledge on not just the computer they utilize but also the basics on Dell, Mac, etc... especially when helping with basic troubleshooting steps. As for te