My experience while using Scratch

 My experience using scratch was a bit confusing at first but the more I played around with it the easier it was to navigate my way around. I also watched a few tutorial videos that helped me out also, after I figured out how to do it on my own it was simple and easy to learn. I did have trouble with getting the sprite to do what I had imagined such as constant moving, but the videos also helped me figure that out also. The more I tried different things it all started to come together. I did not realize that it was computer programming I was doing. I thought I was playing around on some site created for kids at first. I gained a few insights while working on my scratch project such as it was simple to program if that is all it consisted of and that even kids were doing it. Compared to the activities from the textbook I thought it was different and easier to comprehend. The number input confused me. Machine language is the language that the computer understands such as 0’s and 1’s.

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Assembly language is converted by an assembler who automatically converts an assembly language program into machine language. High-level programming language with strong abstraction from the details of the computer. Python is a program language that lets you work quickly and integrate systems more efficiently. Such as building websites and software. Python is the most used program language used today with the websites and different software introduced. It automates tasks and conducts data analysis. I would say it was the easiest to use compared to the others.
